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Healthy Easter Ideas: How To Fill A Basket With Items Your Kids Will Really Use

By Michael Bourke

Easter is truly a holiday for kids, with all its colorful celebrations filled with candy, dyed eggs, and family gatherings. For those who want to be a bit more health conscious, however, it can be a day of way too much sugar and overeating, which can be detrimental to little ones. When you’re looking for a way to introduce a more creative way to celebrate the holiday, think of how you can turn an Easter basket into a gift that will keep on giving. With gifts like coloring and activity books, healthy snacks rather than candy, and educational games, you can make sure your kids have a fun day that won’t interfere with their ability to make good choices.

Think about the things your little ones might respond well to, and look for ways you can fill their baskets with items that won’t break the bank. There are plenty of ways you can create gorgeous baskets that are budget-friendly, but you’ll want to make sure the items will actually get used. Take a look around your local dollar store or discount craft supply for some great ideas, or get started with a few of these:


Healthy snacks

While fruits and veggies aren’t the most reasonable option for an Easter basket, you can still find healthy snacks your kiddos will love that won’t leave them full of sugar and empty calories. Pretzel sticks, cheese crackers in fun shapes, and fruit snacks are great options that often come in fun seasonal shapes and colors. Popcorn is another healthy option, and if your loved ones really enjoy this snack, consider going for an item that will keep on giving, such as a microwave popcorn popper. You can give the basket a “movie night” theme and fill it with all the things they need to have a fun cinematic evening at home.


Arts and crafts

Just about every child loves being creative, and what better way to give the gift of creativity than by filling a basket full of art supplies? You can head to the local dollar store and find tons of items they’ll love, such as finger paints, watercolors, painted popsicle sticks, stickers, glue, beads, and coloring books that allow your child to spend some time using his or her imagination. These can also be given a theme, such as puppet-making or painting.

Get educational

One of the best ways to turn an Easter basket into a gift that can be used over and over is to make it educational. Fill it with learning games, flashcards, magnetic blocks, activity books, and storybooks that are on your child’s reading level. Head to your local teacher-supply store to find a ton of ideas that won’t bust your budget, and look online for toys that are both fun and educational.

Active toys

An easy way to promote healthy living to kids is to provide active toys, such as a ball, jump rope, hula hoop, a small bowling game, or a board game that requires building, dancing, or some other form of movement. Think about the best ways to help your child get active both indoors and outdoors, since rainy days can be hard on little ones. These are gifts your child can use the whole year round!


Easter is a fun time of year for the whole family, but it can be stressful for parents who want to offer their little ones healthy choices. Don’t let it cause anxiety! With a little creativity, you can put together the best Easter basket possible for your little ones, and find a way to help them get use out of the items for months or even years to come